Fulfillment Policy

Refund Policy

At Deliverability Ninja, we are committed to delivering outstanding results for our clients. Our guarantee ensures that within 90 days, we will double your email open rates and reply rates. If we do not achieve this milestone, you will not be charged for our services.

Refund Eligibility: To qualify for a refund of the Deliverability Ninja Fees, the following conditions must be met:

Refund Process: If, after 90 days, the email open rates and reply rates have not doubled, the client may request a refund of the Deliverability Ninja Fees. The refund request must be submitted in writing within 10 business days after the conclusion of the 90-day period. Upon receiving the refund request, Deliverability Ninja will review the case and verify the performance metrics and compliance with the above conditions. If the conditions are met, a full refund of the Deliverability Ninja Fees will be processed within 30 business days.

For any questions or to submit a refund request, please contact our support team at support@deliverabilityninja.com.

Delivery Policy

Deliverability Ninja provides services remotely and does not involve the shipping of physical goods. All services, including training, technical setup, and support, are delivered virtually through online meetings, emails, and other digital communication channels.

Timeline for Service Delivery:

The delivery policy is subject to change on a case-by-case basis. The terms outlined in the final contract will supersede all policies mentioned here. Any potential delays will be communicated promptly, and both parties will work collaboratively to agree on a revised timeline if necessary.

Return Policy

As Deliverability Ninja provides digital services rather than physical goods, returns are not applicable. Instead, our refund policy (outlined above) provides a structured approach to address service performance and client satisfaction.

Cancellation Policy

One-Time Contracts

Cancellation is not possible for one-time contracts.

Recurring Contracts:

For recurring contracts, clients must provide written notice of cancellation at least 30 days prior to the intended cancellation date. Any outstanding payments for services rendered up to the cancellation date must be settled before the cancellation is finalized. Initial setup fees and other one-time fees are non-refundable.

For any cancellations, clients should contact our support team at support@deliverabilityninja.com. Our team will guide you through the cancellation process and address any concerns you may have.